toilet talk

~ irigitte fardot , 3/03/2009 3:55 ÖS

Kitap eleştirisi ödevim yüzünden hem ruhsal hem fiziksel anlamda çok yorulmuştum, şu yazıyı okuyunca keyfim yerine geldi. Ben güldüm, siz de gülünüz. Kaldığım yurdun 6. katındaki 2 banyonun 2 tuvaletinde de soldaki kağıt asılı Şubat'ın başından beri. Sağ sütunda haftanın Funky Monkey ödülünü alan arkadaşı açıklamışlar. Hikaye şu:

This week's Funky Monkey goes to an incredibly insensitive, woman beating Michael Windle. Windle's girlfriend was lying on his bed while he was doing some corny dance, per usual. Well, being the loving girlfriend she is, she kindly informed him of the dork he was being. Windle then attempted to take off his pants and ended up also pulling down his shorts that were underneath. She began laughing at him and he jokingly threw his pants at her; unfortunately, he forgot his cell phone was in his pocket. His phone hits his girlfriend in the face and she was laughing so hard from the situation that she didn't react for several seconds. Once the pain set in, however, she started crying. After many apologies from Windle, she started laughing again.

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